Hamas: Israel sends goods to Gaza via three crossings

By Xinhua,

Gaza : Israel has allowed more goods into Gaza from Monday through three commercial crossings it partly reopened as part of an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, Hamas government said on Tuesday.

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The new goods to enter included construction materials and fuel, said the ministry of economy in the deposed Hamas government.

Through the main crossing at Karni, 158 truckloads of goods such as food, clothes, stones and gravels, weighing 11 tons, entered into Gaza City. Eighty-six truckloads also entered into Gaza via Sofa crossing, eight of which carrying concrete and lime cement.

During the closure of the crossings as part of Israel’s sanctions against Hamas, the construction materials were barred from going to Gaza. Only reduced amounts of basic food products and medicine were allowed into Gaza before the ceasefire that Hamas and Israel reached took effect on June 19.

The blockade on the Gaza Strip was imposed when Hamas ousted President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement and routed his forces in deadly fighting last year.

But the ministry said Israel did not commit itself to increase the amounts of goods into Gaza. Though the ban on some materials was lifted, their amounts sent to Gaza are still reduced, the ministry added.

The ceasefire deal ended cross-border attacks between Hamas and Israel but the Islamic movement accuses the Jewish state of not lifting the sanctions properly.