Hajis from India may face shortage of accommodation this year

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter,

New Delhi: Hajis from India this year will have to face problems or pay more for accommodation at Makkah thanks to two reasons: rise in costs and shortage of accommodation in the holiest city of Islam.

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Due to global price rise and demolition of several buildings for the expansion and development of Haram Sharif in Makkah, even the joint efforts of Consul General of India, Haj Committee of India and Haj Consul have failed to ensure accommodation of all 1,55,000 Hajis to perform Haj this year.

Addressing a press conference here on 16th July, HCI vice chairperson Hasan Ahmed said Hajis that belong to White Category should be mentally prepared to stay in Azizia district.

An HCI delegation comprising its chairman Iqbal Ahmad Sarodgi, vice chairman Hasan Ahmad and HCI CEO Mohammed Owais visited Saudi Arabia on 9th July to review the accommodation for Hajis from India.

Hasan Ahmed said that so far accommodation has been ensured only for 62,000 Hajis from India.

He expressed hope that the Saudi Government is likely to raise India’s Haj quota by 15,000 from this year itself.