Indian govt. seeks crucial trust vote in Parliament to continue in power


New Delhi : A two-day special session of Lower House of Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha) to enable the countrys coalition government vote of trust to continue in power, after it was reduced to a minority following withdrawal of support by one of its allies, began here Monday.

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The session began here this morning and the voting on the trust motion would take place Tuesday. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh moved the trust motion in the Lok Sabha and highlighted the achievements of his government during the last four years.

On July 10, Dr Manmohan Singh met countrys President Pratibha Patil and handed over a letter to seek trust vote in Parliament. This was necessitated as on July 8, the Indian Left Parties, which has 61 lawmakers in Lok Sabha withdrew support to the Manmohan Singh-led government over the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal.

The Lok Sabha has a strength of 545 lawmakers, which includes two nominated members, who do not enjoy voting rights. Any government requires the support of minimum 272 MPs to be in power. The governments five-year term expires in April 2009, when Lok Sabha elections are scheduled. In case the government fails to prove majority on the floor of Lok Sabha Tuesday, early elections will be held.

Dr Manmohan Singh, and Indias ruling alliances Chairperson and President of Congress — the largest party in the alliance — Sonia Gandhi have expressed confidence that the Government would win the trust vote by gettting support of more than 272 MPs. The Prime Minister too belongs to the Congress Party.

India’s coalition government and the Congress Party have maintained that the nuclear deal with US, would end countrys decades-long nuclear isolation and address Indias energy needs on a long term basis. The government has also said that the nuclear deal is in no way a cap on the countrys strategic programme and abundant energy is necessary to sustain Indias high economic growth rate and ensure rapid development.
Both the Indian and the US governments are keen to conclude the deal before year-end.