What happened to probes into terror attacks, Advani asks PM


New Delhi : Leader of Opposition L.K. Advani Monday recounted the terror attacks during the last four years of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government and demanded to know the progress of investigations in the incidents.

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Addressing the Lok Sabha during the debate on the trust motion of the government, Advani said there had been serial blasts in Mumbai, Malegaon, Hyderabad and Jaipur and terror attacks in Jammu and Varansi.

“I would like the prime minister and the home minister to tell us what has been the progress of the investigations in all these cases. Has anyone been put on trial or convicted?” Advani asked, adding that the performance of the government on this front had been dismal.

The only reason for the government’s laxity was the “vote bank”, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said.

He also accused Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government of dragging its feet on cases like that of Mohammed Afzal, sentenced to death for his role in the 2001 terror attack on parliament.

Advani also brought up the issue of the Sethusamudram shipping canal project and the government’s affidavit in the Supreme Court putting a question mark on the existence of the Hindu god Lord Ram. At this, Speaker Somnath Chatterjee intervened to ask whether or not it was a “sub judice matter”.

Advani replied by saying that the government was forced to withdraw the affidavit following countrywide protests.