Council of Europe to hold conference on violence against women


Paris : The Council of Europe will hold in Strasbourg, June 10, the closing conference of its Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, the Council announced here Tuesday.

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The Council said that the aim of the conference is to assess the results of the campaign and the measures taken by the Council of Europe and its member states to protect women against violence.

It added that the participants in the conference will also discuss proposals for “future actions to fight this human rights violation,” including the need for a new Council of Europe Convention to prevent and combat violence against women.

For two years, the campaign, the first of pan-European scope, has put gender-based violence very high on the political agenda with a view to increasing awareness, urging states to adopt national measures to prevent and combat it, protect the victims, and to prosecute the perpetrators.

Representatives of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe, including many ministers responsible for fighting violence against women, will attend the event, as well as representatives of international intergovernmental organizations and NGOs.

The two-day conference will be inaugurated by Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis and it will focus on several issues such as assessing the first European Campaign to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, analyzing the measures and action taken by Council of Europe member states and proposals for future action to prevent and combat violence against women.

The conference will also discuss the governmental national, parliamentary, and local and regional action to prevent and combat violence against women within the framework of the Council of Europe Campaign, the good practices to prevent and combat violence against women, and effective implementation of national measures to prevent and combat violence against women.