India has the best net employment outlook


New Delhi : More people are likely to find jobs in India in the second quarter of 2008 than anywhere else in the world, according to a survey of employers by global recruiter Manpower Inc. released Tuesday.

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In its Net Employment Outlook Survey covering 32 countries, Manpower said over 45 percent of Indian companies would add to their staff strength in July, August and September. This was the highest level of recruitment planned among the countries surveyed.

Global economic slowdown has impacted recruitment in Singapore and Peru, which topped the list in employment planned in the last survey; this time, the two countries trail India at the second and third spots.

Worldwide, recruitment would come down most in Spain, and in China in Asia, despite its phenomenal growth.

But the job market in India will likely remain positive and robust, Manpower said. The nation’s services sector was the most optimistic, with 59 percent planning recruitment. Public administration and education, at 25%, indicated the weakest hiring intentions.

“While employers in India continue to show optimism in their hiring intent, the impact of US slowdown has started showing its impact on mid-sized companies especially in the IT and ITeS domain,” said Manpower India managing director Naresh Malhan.

The survey represents an increase of 6 percentage points quarter-over-quarter and a 7 percentage points increase year-over-year. Employers in the services sector are notably optimistic about making recruitment in the next three months.

The Net Employment Outlook is derived by subtracting the percentage of employers expecting to see a decrease in employment from the percentage anticipating total employment to increase at their locations.

Employers in all the eight countries in the Asia Pacific region anticipate “positive hiring activity” during this period.

Given the high dependence of some sectors on the US economy, companies are increasingly taking a cautious route, making job-specific recruitment, Malhan said.

He said recruitment levels in developing nations like India would remain high as companies continued to invest in technology to drive growth, fight global competition, cut cost and improve efficiency.”

The survey conducted covered employers sectors such as finance and insurance, real estate, manufacturing, mining and construction, public administration and education, services, transport, utilities, wholesale, and finally, retail trade.

Of all the countries surveyed Spanish employers, were the only one with negative national Net Employment Outlook. In Asia pacific region China reported the weakest hiring forecast in the region for the fourth consecutive quarter.