Arab League Committee to review human rights principles in Arab world


Cairo : The Arab League’s Human Rights Standing Committee has commenced its 25th session here with the participation of delegates representing member countries and Arab non-governmental organisations concerned with human rights issues.

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The three-day session beginning Monday is designed to discuss joint Arab actioans and issues referred to the committee from the last Arab summit conference in Damascus, including a mechanism to implement the Arab plan on human rights education for the next five years (2009-2014), said Committee chairman Dr Ibrahim Abdulaziz Al Shaddi in statements to the press.

The committee was pleased that the Arab leaders during the Damascus summit gave the green light to embark on giving attention to human rights issues in the Arab world, said Shaddi, noting that the plan is a significant mechanism to increase Arab public awareness on human rights principles.

He said a mechanism was drawn up to implement the plan and that national committees in the Arab states have been set up to follow up implementation of the principles of human rights in the Arab world.

Al Shaddi said the plan would be included in school books and would be mobilised among the civil societies in the Arab world and the media.

According to A Shaddi, Israeli human rights violations in the Palestinian territories would also be addressed by the committee.

He said the Palestinian representative gave a report on the ongoing Israeli violations which included closure of border crossings and shortage of fuel supply.

A number of recommendations over these violations would be raised with the Arab League’s Council to expose the Israeli inhuman practices, he said, noting that a worldwide action would be launched to document the Israeli breaches.