Hamas says too early to judge Israel’s commitment to cease-fire

By Xinhua,

Gaza : Hamas on Monday said it was too early to judge Israel’s commitment to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire which took hold in the Gaza Strip since Thursday.

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Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said it was also early to “judge Israel’s commitment on lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip.”

Abu Zuhri said Hamas wants Israel to “allow the goods that were banned during the blockade like construction and industrial materials and fuel.”

Israel eased its restrictions on the Gaza Strip on Sunday, allowing more trucks carrying food products and cloths into Gaza.

Abu Zuhri’s remarks came as four days of lull in the coastal enclave passed while the Gazans feel almost nothing has changed in the operations of commercial crossing points into Gaza.

The six-month ceasefire deal stipulates that Israel has to reopen the commercial crossings closed down after Hamas took over Gaza last June, three days after the ceasefire takes effects.

Meanwhile, the deposed Hamas government which rules Gaza said that Israel was committed to the deal and increased the number of truckloads flowing into the coastal enclave.

“According to the deal, the goods have to increase by 30 percent,” said Taher al-Nounou, a spokesman for the Hamas unity government.

“Yesterday, the number of trucks increased to 80 trucks a day, compared to 60 truckloads in the past.”

The truce has been holding since it went into effect on Thursday morning following months of clashes between the Israeli military staging military operations against Gaza and Gaza militants firing rockets at Israeli towns and attacking Israeli troops along the border.