No-confidence debate in Thai Parliament extends into 3rd day

By Xinhua,

Bangkok : Thai Parliament continued on Thursday the no-confidence debate against the Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and seven Cabinet members, extending the scheduled two-day debate into the third day.

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The voting for the censure motion, originally scheduled on Thursday, is to be held on Friday morning.

On Wednesday, the Democrat Parliament Members (MPs) formally charged the country’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee with failing their official duties and favoring political patrons over the masses.

In his rebuttal, Surapong said he had worked hard during the past four months and that he played no role in the appointment of state enterprise board members. His immediate priority for the present is to restore investors’ confidence in Thailand in the aftermath of political uncertainty.

During Thursday’s debate, the focus of the censures will be put on ministers in charge of the Transport Ministry, Justice Ministry and Interior Ministry.

The Democrat Party, Thailand’s only opposition party in House, earlier filed a motion of no-confidence against Samak and other seven ministers in parliament, designing to bring down the six-party coalition government led by Samak’s People Power Party (PPP).