A Bihar govt. agency borders blasphemy

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

Patna: When the Muslim world was condemning the Danish government for deciding to preserve the blasphemous cartoons depicting Prophet Muhammad, a Bihar government publishing agency was bordering blasphemy.

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In a seemingly ignorant act, the Bihar State Text Book Publishing Corporation Ltd. has published some images of Angel Gabriel and other angels in an 11 standard history book. The images have ignited anger among Muslims.

Vishwa Itihass ke Kuchh Vishay (Some lessons from world history) is the book wherein (page 79, 80) imaginary pictures of Gabriel and other angels are printed. Giving brief information about Gabriel on Page 79 under his cartoon, it is mentioned that the picture is from the Middle Ages. It is also written that this angel used to bring Divine Revelation to the Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad. It is also mentioned that the first word he uttered was ‘Iqra’ (Read) and the word of Quran is also derived from Iqra.

On Page 80 there is another picture, taken from a Persian Manuscript of 15th century, which shows a Haji (Haj Pilgrim) touching Black Stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) and angels looking at him. Malaikah is the plural of malak which means angel and there is no picture of angels anywhere in the world. Islam prohibits unnecessary photography and idol making.

Muslims of Bihar made the point that this will give wrong impression to young students about the belief system of the Muslims.

What is more pitiable is the fact that the agency’s present managing director is Firaq Ahmad who is a Muslim. The responsible officers of the Text Book Committee should have seriously studied the matter before publishing.