Iranians strongly stand against enemies propaganda


Tehran : Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Saturday that Iranians, the youth in particular, would strongly stand against enemies’ anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian propaganda.

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The ayatollah made the remarks addressing a large number of members of the Islamic Revolution’s Guards Corps (IRGC) as well as Basij (Volunteer) forces in the city of Shiraz, capital of Fars province, in southern Iran.

He arrived in Shiraz on April 30 to meet provincial residents, visit various provincial cities, hold separate meetings with families of martyrs, local officials, elites, university students and clerics.

“The world expansionist and hegemonic powers are strongly against justice-loving and independence-seeking aspirations of the Iranian people,” he noted.

He added that although foreigners continue their massive anti-Islamic and anti-Iranian propaganda under any pretext, the intelligent people of Iran, particularly young generation, strongly resist against enemies.

Ayatollah Khamenei recalled courageous acts of Iranian youth during the eight-year Iraqi imposed war against Iran (1980-1988) and said reliance on the Almighty God and the power of the Iranian nation were two major factors for development of the Islamic Iran.

Referring to the great scientific, cultural and social achievements of the Iranian youth in recent years, he said the country always is in need of its faithful and talented young generation who has repeatedly proved its commitment to the sacred aspirations of the Islamic Revolution.