Report: Israel backs Egypt’s efforts on Palestinian-Israeli truce

By Xinhua,

Cairo : Israel on Tuesday expressed support to Egypt’s vision on calm-down between the Palestinians and the Israelis, the Egyptian MENA news agency reported.

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The Israeli response came after the Egyptian Intelligence Chief Omar Suleiman’s recent visit to Israel for talks to achieve a Palestinian-Israeli truce and relieve Palestinian suffering, MENA quoted a security source as saying.

According to the report, Suleiman held talks on Monday with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, which resulted in Israeli leaders’ understanding.

The Israeli side supported for the Egyptian vision on a comprehensive and reciprocal ceasefire between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, MENA said.

The talks also made preparations for implementing the ceasefire if the Israeli political leadership was informed of the Palestinian factions’ agreement on its terms.

Egyptian views the importance of seizing the current amble opportunity through responding to developments achieved in favor of the calm-down between the Palestinians and the Israelis, according to the security source.

It will pave the way to solve other issues including swapping prisoners, bringing about stability and thus lifting the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip and reopening crossings to ease the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Egypt will also grasp the chance to achieve results to help continue its efforts to solve any remaining points of difference.

Egyptian officials will meet with representatives of Palestinian factions next week to agree on the bases of action in the coming period and the start of implementation, the source said, adding that Egypt will focus on solving the issues of swapping prisoners and bringing about stability on its borders with the Gaza Strip.

All Palestinian factions have earlier agreed on an Egyptian proposal to achieve a period of lull in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.