Lebanese Seek Consensus on Political Crisis

By Prensa Latina,

Doha : Lebanese opposition leaders and of the parliamentary majority are seeking consensus in this capital to find a solution to the political crisis in that country, where over a week of clashes have resulted in more than 80 deaths.

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The meeting’s official opening was held on Friday night, attended by Qatar’s emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khakifa al Thani, who called to the Lebanese to keep unity, and appeared confident that those involved in the talks reached an agreement.

Representing the government, Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, Druze leader Walid Yumblat, ex President Amin Gemayel, and Future Trend leader Saad Harriri attended the meeting.

On the opposition side, Christian leader Michel Aoun, Parliamnet President Nabih Berri, Hizbala (God’s Party) parliamentary group head Mohamed Raad, and Water Resource ex Minister Mohamed Fnecihe are attending the meeting.

God’s Party top leader Hasan Nasralah’s absence is due to security reasons, according to sources of the organization.

Foreign Ministers of the Arab League met urgently on Sunday in Cairo to analyze the situation in Lebanon, and agreed to create a commission to mediate in the conflict, which was unleashed on May 7, between the opposition and government supporting forces.

In that meeting, the regional organization insisted on implementing the Arab initiative to immediately elect a president, shape a national unity government and change the electoral law.

A Hizbala source, which preferred to remain anonymous, stated on May 15 that the delegation’s negotiation will focus on the two last points, what was confirmed Saturday in Doha by people close to the talks.

Lebanon has remained without president since November 24, 2008, a situation that worsened the political crisis, which began in 2006 with resignation of six government ministers and increased the tension with armed clashes.