Ban lauds Iraq for progress achieved, vows continued UN support


Stockholm : UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has commended the Iraqi people and government for the “notable” progress made in the security, political and economic sectors since the launch of the International Compact with Iraq in Sharm El-Sheikh last year, and said the international community has an “obligation” to assist them.

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Addressing the first Annual Review Conference of the International Compact with Iraq here Thursday, Ban said “indeed, notable progress has been made in all three pillars of the Compact — in the security, political and economic fields, despite the challenges. For this, Prime Minister (Nouri) Al-Maliki, his government, and the people of Iraq deserve our commendation.”

The Ministers participating in the meeting had before them the first Annual Review Report, entitled “A New Beginning” which provides a comprehensive assessment of the progress so far and the challenges ahead.

Ban used the word “hope” to describe the situation in Iraq: “There is new hope that the people and government of Iraq are overcoming daunting challenges and working together to rebuild their country, after years of war, dictatorship and neglect.”

He noted that violence in the country retreated from the alarming levels of 2006 and early 2007 thanks to the concerted efforts of the government and “other stakeholders,” who strengthened the capacity of Iraqi security forces and curbed the activities of militias and other armed groups, and expressed satisfaction that Iraq is “stepping back from the abyss that we feared most.”

In the political field, Ban said Iraq scored successes, including the passage of the Justice and Reconciliation Law, the Amnesty Law, the Provincial Powers Laws and the 2008 Budget. “I encourage Iraqi leaders to maintain this positive momentum, and finalise as soon as possible other pending laws that are critical to national reconciliation, including the draft Electoral Law and Hydrocarbon Law,” he said.

In the economic field, he said, estimates from the International Monetary Fund show that the economy has expanded since last year, and will continue to do so over the next several years. “Iraq has ratified the UN Convention on Anti-Corruption — another notable step towards strengthening investor confidence. And most significantly, the volume of oil outputs and exports are at their highest levels since 2004,” he indicated.

He said that although Iraq has made progress in delivering essential services, there are still too many citizens who lack clean water and sanitation, electricity and fuel, and access to proper health care and education.

“The international community has an obligation to assist them. But I am also hopeful that the government of Iraq will consider ways of spending more of its own resources to improve the lives of its people. The United Nations is committed to supporting Iraq in this mission,” he said.

He argued that given Iraq’s wealth and natural resources, building better lives is “not a question of extensive financial aid. Rather, it is a question of unlocking Iraq’s own potential. Iraq looks to the international community for partnerships, technical assistance and economic exchange.”

He noted that many countries have already contributed, in the form of investments, debt relief according to Paris Club terms, and assistance for reconstruction and capacity-building.

“I encourage all governments to do the same, so as to fulfil the promises made through mutual commitments under the Compact.”

He also said that “for the first time in its history, Iraq has a chance to integrate fully into the global economy. Iraq’s contribution, particularly in the energy sector, will translate into real dividends for the world as a whole. I would urge governments to support Iraq’s accession to multilateral institutions, including the World Trade Organization.”

Ban further noted that in the area of regional cooperation, Iraq’s political and economic integration in the region is essential for building and sustaining peace, and “can bring economic rewards to everyone involved.”

He welcomed the efforts of the Expanded Ministerial Conference of Neighbouring States held in Sharm El Sheikh, Istanbul and Kuwait and urged participants at future meetings to “redouble their efforts to achieve more tangible outcomes.”

The United Nations, he insisted, is committed to supporting the expanded ministerial process through the ad hoc Support Mechanism endorsed in Kuwait in April 2008. These efforts, he said, will help Iraq and its neighbours strengthen relations and establish diplomatic ties.

On the UN role in Iraq, he said it remains “committed to doing all it can” to support the people and government of Iraq under Security Council resolution 1770. “We are working under challenging conditions on a range of outstanding issues — from the conduct of elections to the resolution of disputed internal administrative boundaries, from constitutional review to the promotion of human rights and the rule of law, and the coordination and delivery of humanitarian, reconstruction and development assistance,” he said.

“For the government, parliament and people of Iraq to move forward on the path towards genuine national reconciliation, they will need to address all these issues through meaningful dialogue and consensus. Only in this way can Iraq build enduring political, social and economic progress, for the benefit of all its citizens,” he said.