India, Brazil, S.Africa Ink Accords

By Prensa Latina,

New Delhi : India, Brazil and South Africa signed Wednesday in this capital several agreements and two action plans to foster trilateral cooperation in trade, tourism, environment, and sea and air transportation.

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The signing of those protocols took place during the Third Summit of the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum, attended by Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, his South African counterpart Kgalema Motlanthe, and India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

One of the documents is an understanding memorandum on trade, to firm up technical regulations and speed trilateral trade.

Another memorandum is on environmental cooperation and a third is to establish a think tank for feminist experts and professors to develop programs on women’s development and gender equity.

The accord on tourism includes training and developing human resources in this sector.

The two action plans on sea and air transportation cover 10 cooperation areas to facilitate exchange, trade and security in those means among the three countries.

Parallel to the Third Summit of IBSA was a forum on business, an academic seminar, one on womens issues and a fourth for press editors.