Pakistan government rules out compromise with Taliban


Islamabad : Ruling out any “compromise” with the Taliban, the Pakistani government has decided to continue military operations against them till militancy is wiped out from troubled parts of the country.

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The decision in this regard was made at a high level meeting chaired by President Asif Ali Zardari in the presidency here.

The meeting, which was attended by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, also decided there would be “no compromise” with militants.

The meeting decided that ongoing military operations in different parts of the country would continue till militancy is wiped out, official sources were quoted as saying by Dawn News channel.

Kayani briefed the meeting on the army’s successes in the anti-militancy operations in the troubled Bajaur Agency and the security situation in the rest of the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

Zardari welcomed the formation of lashkars or militias by tribesmen to take on the militants as an indication that people were no longer siding with the rebels, the sources said.

The President directed officials to ensure that the people’s lives and property were protected at all costs. Those affected by the violence should be looked after by authorities, they said.

The meeting was also attended by interior ministry chief Rehman Malik, North West Frontier Province Governor Owais Ghani and top security and intelligence officials.