Georgia Recognizes Cluster Bomb Use

By Prensa Latina,

Moscow : Georgian Defense Ministry recognized the use of cluster bombs to attack South Ossetia, in a letter sent to a human rights group, quoted by the local press.

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According to the Itar-Tass news agency, the Georgian entity admitted in the letter that it launched M85 bombs against the mentioned autonomous region, in its offensive on August 7, which caused Moscow’s military response, reinforcing its peacekeeping troops.

M85 bombs, used in 2006 by Israel to attack Lebanon, and which contain small bombs that are activated on the air, with a high destructive power, were launched on the area of the so called Rock tunnel, which joins North and South Ossetia.

Russian Foreign Minister Serguei Lavrov championed international embargo on weapon sales to Georgia, while President Mijail Saakashvili, who was re-elected in January amid mass fraud denunciations, remains in power.

In a speech at Moscow’s State Institute of International Relations, Lavrov condemned the US military aid to Tiflis, because he considered it encouraged “Saakashvili’s unpredictable and irresponsible” government.

If finally the United States and their allies do not choose their national interests or those of the Georgian people, but Saakashvili’s regime, it will be a mistake of historic significance, he said. He also warned that Russia would not let itself to be drown into a confrontation.

A Russian Foreign Ministry communique ruled out Moscow’s intention of maintaining its peacekeeping forces for an indefinite period in the separatist Republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the declaration of sovereignty from Georgia of which Russia recognized on August 28.