Russia not to counter NATO enhanced presence in Black Sea: Nesterenko


Moscow : Spokesman of Russian Foreign Ministry Andrei Nesterenko said on Friday his country had no plans to take steps against the increasing presence of NATO’s fleet in the Black Sea.

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However, Nesterenko voiced in a press conference here Russia’s grave concern over the NATO moves after the flagship of the U.S. Navy’s Mediterranean fleet anchored earlier in the day outside Poti, the key Georgian seaport on the Black Sea.

The USS Mount Whitney is the first warship to arrive to Poti, carrying humanitarian assistances to Georgia since the latter’s five-day war with Russia in the breakaway republic of South Ossetia last month.

Nesterenko raised his eyebrows at using such giant warship “in carrying humanitarian relief materials” to Georgia.

“The moves of the NATO fleet in the Black Sea must be in line with Montero Convention,” he underscored.

“In recent years, NATO has on several occasions, demonstratively, ignored the UN charter and other norms of international law. “It has no moral right to play the role of mentor in matters of international relations or judge the actions of other states,” Nesterenko said.

Moscow has repeatedly accused the NATO of ignoring the United Nations and international law and having “no moral right” to act as judge in international affairs.
Meanwhile, Nesterenko said French President Nicolas Sarkozy would visit Moscow on Monday for talks with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev on the conflict in South Ossetia.
He reiterated Russia’s commitment to the French-brokered six-point ceasefire plan which aims to achieve comprehensive settlement of the conflict.