Abbas says no peace deal before end of year


Cairo : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stressed Saturday that no peace deal will be reached before the end of this year.

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“There was hope that a peace deal could be reached in 2008 since we started the Annapolis conference, all parties exerted efforts to reach a deal, but we did not reach one yet,” Abbas said in a press conference after talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

“It appears as if we will not be able to reach full agreement on the issues of Jerusalem, borders, refugees and water by the end of the year,” Abbas added.

Meanwhile, President Abbas expressed hope that the inter-Palestinian dialogue Egypt is mediating among the Palestinians would achieve success.

Last Wednesday Abbas told reporters in Ramallah that “Egypt is carrying out a very unique mission related to inviting various Palestinian factions for dialogue,” adding “Egypt has already invited several factions for bilateral dialogue.” Abbas continued saying that the unilateral dialogue with each faction would continue in Cairo until the end of Ramadan (September), adding “At the end, the results of the dialogue would be sent to the Arab League.” Meanwhile, Palestinian Permanent Representative in the Arab League Ambassador Nabil Amr said in a press statement that President Abbas will participate in the upcoming Arab Foreign Ministers opening session next Monday.

Amr said President Abbas will extensively brief the representatives on all related issues regarding a Palestinian reconciliation and developments on Palestinian-Israeli negations.

Among other issues, President Abbas will highlight topics on the Golan Heights, Lebanon borders, and Egyptian efforts in the region, Amr added.