Vienna : Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohammed El-Baradei has reiterated that Iran should prove the peaceful nature of its nuclear programme.
The settlement of the dispute over the Iranian nuclear programme depends on Iran’s meeting the verification standards of the UN nuclear watchdog, El-Baradei said in a report to the 35th session of the IAEA Board of Governors Monday.
Iran needs also to meet its commitments under the appended protocol of non-proliferation treaty (NPT), he underscored in the six-page report.
Iran failed to halt its nuclear enrichment activities to the contrary of the provisions of the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.
The IAEA was not able to make a tangible progress in its probes into the Iranian nuclear programme which is still shrouded in mystery, the report underlined.
The inquiry into intelligence allegations of secret atom bomb research in Iran has reached a standstill because of Iranian non-cooperation, it pointed out.
Iran should provide the IAEA with all necessary information on the programme and give the IAEA inspectors access to its nuclear facilities.
Iran has reportedly raised the number of its nuclear centrifuges to 3,820, compared with 3,300 last May, and was planning to install over 2,000 more.