Cambodia sets sights on nuclear power

By Xinhua,

Phnom Penh : Government officials said that Cambodia may develop its first nuclear power plant as early as 2020, national media reported Monday.

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With hydropower and coal capacity expected to peak in the next decade, the government says nuclear energy is the best option for the country, according to the Phnom Penh Post.

“Cambodia has a long way to go before meeting electricity demand. After 10 years, we will not have enough hydropower capacity,” Sat Samy, a secretary of state for the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, was quoted as saying.

He said Cambodia’s nuclear plans are in line with efforts by ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) to promote atomic energy among member states.

ASEAN energy ministers reached a joint agreement last year in Bangkok to pursue new sources of power for the region’s growing electricity needs.

Singapore is heading the ASEAN plan to study nuclear policy and develop new strategies for the region, said Sat Samy.

He said the announcement is only a first step and that hydropower remains the focus of Cambodia’s short- and medium-term energy strategies.