Mumbai: The National Investigative Agency (NIA) has quizzed Rahul Bhatt, the son of Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, during the ongoing probe into Pakistani-American terror suspect David Coleman Headley’s links to the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.
Mahesh Bhatt told IANS Wednesday: “They quizzed him twice over the past one week at a secret location in Mumbai. They wanted to know the circumstances in which Rahul met him (Headley), why he aroused Rahul’s suspicion, etc.”
Bhatt emphasised that the NIA team was very cordial and appreciative of Rahul’s bold step of bringing the matter to their notice.
Rahul had earlier said he helped the American rent a three-bedroom flat near Breach Candy Hospital in the city.
Headley, charged with scouting targets for Mumbai terror attacks, is currently in FBI custody in the US.