Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal Tuesday approved the investment plan of Brattle Foods Limited, giving them a green signal to set up three mega units in the state with an investment of Rs.8 billion (Rs.800 crore) in various sectors, officials said.
“Brattle Foods would establish a Rs.300 crore dairy unit, Rs.400 crore meat processing unit and Rs.100 crore fruits and vegetables processing unit. They would come over a land of around 200 acre in the state over the next three to five years,” an official spokesperson said.
He added: “Badal has directed officials concerned to facilitate Brattle Foods to select suitable sites in Gurdaspur district for setting up of their units. He has assured them of full support and cooperation by the government.”
Badal took this decision after going through a detailed presentation by Mrinal Sinha, co-founder Brattle Foods, in Chandigarh Tuesday.