Satyam scam: Anti-fraud cell officials interrogate Rajus


Hyderabad : A 12-member team of the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) saturday quizzed Satyam Computers founder B. Ramalinga Raju, his brother B. Rama Raju and former chief financial officer Vadlamani Srinivas in Chanchalguda jail here.

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The SFIO officials grilled the accused throughout the day in the presence of their lawyers. The officials divided themselves into three teams and questioned the accused separately from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The interrogators recorded the statements of the accused with regard to various aspects of Rs.70-billion (Rs.7,000-crore/$1.43-billion) fraud admitted by Ramalinga Raju Jan 7.

The SFIO team is believed to have questioned Ramalinga Raju about the fudging of accounts, insider trading, diversion of Satyam funds to over 300 companies floated by him and his family and the role played by other company officials in the fraud.

A city court had Friday allowed SFIO to question all the five accused in jail over two days. The team will question on Sunday two former auditors of Pricewaterhouse – S. Gopalakrishnan and Srinivas Talluri.

SFIO, a multidisciplinary organisation that investigates serious financial frauds, had sought 10 days to record the statements of the accused.

The interrogation by SFIO has come close on the heels of market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) questioning the Raju brothers for three days in jail.

The SEBI officials grilled them Feb 4-6 following an interim order from the Supreme Court.

SEBI has also filed a petition, seeking permission to interrogate Vadlamani Srinivas and two former auditors.

Sixth Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate D. Ramakrishna has reserved his orders on SEBI petition and will give his order Feb 17.