By News Desk,
New Delhi: A five-member team of Aligarh Muslim University led by AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis made a three-day visit to Kolkata and Murshidabad and discussed various issues relating to establishment of the AMU Centre at Murshidabad with the Chief Minister, Minister of Higher Education, Finance Minister and other officials of West Bengal.
In a meeting with the West Bengal Chief Minister, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, Prof. Abdul Azis explained that the University will replicate AMU Model that blends school system with that of higher and professional education including provision for girls’ polytechnic and a Women’s College. The Aligarh model also reflects modern education and secularism as its philosophical ethos. The Vice Chancellor presented a memento of Sir Syed’s photograph inscribed on it to the Chief Minister, said Dr Rahat Abrar, Public Relations Officer.

AMU VC, discussing issues with Mr. S.C. Tiwari, Principal Secreatry, MHRD, Govt. of West berngal and others at Murshidabad
Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has welcomed the AMU move to establish the Murshidabad Centre and promised all possible help including financial assistance. The Chief Minister informed that it is he who has requested the Union Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherji to provide a financial package to the AMU’s Murshidabad Centre so that it can become operational. He urged that the new Centre should also reflect the culture of the region.
Your browser may not support display of this image. The AMU team, which comprised of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis, Prof. Pervez Mustajab, Controller of Examinations and Admission, Prof. N. A. K. Durrani, Media Advisor, Prof. Ikram Husain, former Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology and Prof. Jawed Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, also held discussion on various parameters with Minister for Higher Education, Mr. Sudarshan Roy Choudhury and Finance Minister, Dr. Asim Kumar Dasgupta who were accompanied by Principal Secretary for Higher Education Mr. Satish Choudhury Tiwari and Alia University Vice Chancellor Dr. Syed Shamsul Alam.
Prof. Abdul Azis while thanking the overwhelming response the University is receiving from all quarters in the state of West Bengal said that if the state government transfers the land free from any encumbrances within a month, the AMU will start its operation from 2010-2011 session. It may likely to begin with Secondary or Higher Secondary level and subsequently will introduce other levels in a phased manner, and all these after conducting a survey of the educational need of the region. Prof. Azis further pointed out that there is no reservation for Muslims presently in AMU. The institution keep its doors open for all communities irrespective of caste, creed and religion, Dr Abrar added.