Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi Saturday requested the setting up a Supreme Court bench in Chennai for the benefit of the people and for use of Tamil as the official language in the state high court.
Speaking at a function to inaugurate a guest house for judges here, he said he was repeating his request for setting up a supreme court bench in Chennai to enable common people to approach the Supreme Court.
Citing the resolution passed by the state assembly to make Tamil the official language of Madras High Court, Karunanidhi appealed to Chief Justice of India K.G. Balakrishnan and other judges present on the occasion to lend their support for this purpose.
Inaugurating the guest house, Balakrishnan advised the lawyers to protest only on those issues that affect the legal profession and cited the large number of pending cases that have to be disposed off.
He said around 200 family courts will be set up in the country soon.
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