New Delhi : The Lok Sabha was twice adjourned Wednesday as Samajwadi Party (SP) members disrupted proceedings over the issue of stopping fuel supply to the Dadri energy plant in Uttar Pradesh.
SP leaders gathered near Speaker Meira Kumar’s podium and demanded that she allow them to raise the issue in the house.
However, the speaker suspended the zero hour and invited Basudeb Acharia of the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) to initiate the discussion on price rise.
However, the speaker’s repeated attempts to pacify the agitating SP members did not yield results and she adjourned the house till 12.15 p.m.
After the house reassembled, the SP members raised the issue again and party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav tried to speak on the issue. However, the speaker adjourned the house till 2 p.m.