None will be allowed to use enquiry to destablize campus: AMU VC

By News Desk,

New Delhi: Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis, Vice Chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University, has called upon the functionaries of the University to maintain the existing peaceful environment and to keep constant vigil so that no body should use the fact finding enquiry as an alibi for destabilizing the academically vibrant atmosphere of the campus.

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In a meeting held today, Prof. Azis said that the University will extend full support to the fact finding committee set up to enquire certain allegations and counter allegations. He urged the University staff to show maturity and not to be carried away by emotions and heresy.

“He urged the provosts and wardens to properly manage the affairs of the residential life of the campus in accordance with the rules and the norms. The staff should behave well and in a dignified manner in their dealing with the students,” said Dr Rahat Abrar, Public Relations Officer, AMU.

The VC observed that the enquiry is a God sent opportunity to strengthen the AMU by identifying the aberrations and flaws that have entered into its system and expressed confidence that the administration will come out clean against all allegations, Dr Abrar added.