Lucknow : As many as 100 residents of different localities in Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura district Saturday registered a complaint against alleged conman Ashok Jadeja for duping them of over Rs.5.5 million, police said.
The case against Jadeja has been lodged by the residents of Mat, Kosi and Govardhan towns in Mathura, about 300 km from here.
“The residents also named Jadeja’s wife Neetu and eight others who took money from them after an assurance that it would be tripled and returned to them within a short period,” Superintendent of Police (city) Uday Pratap told IANS on telephone.
Jadeja is presently in police net for allegedly cheating thousands of followers while posing as a godman. He and his wife were nabbed by police on June 1 with Rs.19.8 million in cash stashed in a car in Ahmedabad.