Tehran : A senior elections official said the record participation of Iranian nationals in the 10th Presidential Elections was unprecedented as up to 82 percent of the eligible voters turned out in the Friday’s polling.
Head of the Elections Headquarters Kamran Daneshjou said like what was already anticipated over 36 million Iranians cast their votes for the 10th Presidential Elections on Friday.
Saying that the final results of the Presidential Elections will be available before 10 o’clock Saturday morning, he said votes of 36,095 ballot boxes had already been counted by 06:52 in the morning on Saturday which accounts for 78 percent of all ballot boxes.
According to the official, of the votes counted so far, 64.98 percent belongs to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Daneshjou said of the 28,9089,686 votes counted so far a total of 18,787,766 was for President Ahmadinejad, which is about 64.98 percent of the total votes cast in yesterday’s elections.
He said one of the other presidential elections candidate namely Mir Hossein Mousavi Khameneh has got 9,269,998 votes which accounts for 32.6 percent of the votes.
Mohsen Rezaie Mir Qaed got 594,864 with Mehdi Karroubi gaining 257,061 votes, accounting for 2.5 and 0.88 percent of the total votes respectively.