Supreme Leader: ECO should turn into a more dynamic, stronger body


Tehran : Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution here Wednesday encouraged Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) to become a more dynamic, stronger assembly.

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Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting Wednesday evening with the Tajik President Imomali Rakhmon called the ECO a good organ, referred to sensitive status, particularities, and various potentials of ECO members states, and reiterated, “Taking full advantage of such complementary potentials, this regional organ should turn into a more dynamic, stronger body.”

Referring to the cultural and historic commonalties of Iran and Tajikistan, including the Islamic faith and the Persian language, his eminence considered them as precious potentials that can be taken advantage of at the service of the expansion and deepening of cooperation.

Ayatollah Khamenei further emphasized, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready for presenting its eye-catching advancements in various fields, including those in aerospace engineering, medical sciences, and various industries to the friendly and brother countries, contributing thus to a harmonious and balanced regional development.”

During the meeting in the presence of the IRI President Mahmoud Ahmahdinejad, the visiting Tajik President, too, conveyed the warm respects and heartfelt greetings of the Tajik nation to the Iranian leader.

President Rakhmon added, “The world nations have been witnesses to the advancements of the Islamic Republic of Iran and those advancements have been causes for feeling proud and prosperous of the entire world Muslims and Persian speaking folks around the globe.”

Imomali Rakhmon also said that the level of bilateral relations is quite satisfactory and good, referred to the ongoing joint projects of the two countries in Tajikistan, and added, “We have always held high hope for Iran’s support, and will always keep doing so in the future.”