Parliament to debate suspension of Malaysian-Indian lawmaker


Kuala Lumpur : The Malaysian parliament will debate Monday a motion to suspend for one year ethnic Indian lawmaker Gobind Singh for linking Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to a murder charge.

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The motion was tabled at the speaker’s office by minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz Friday after Singh was expelled from the house for the day by deputy speaker Ronald Kiandee for refusing to obey.

The house will debate and vote on the motion when it resumes Monday, the New Straits Times online said Saturday.

The motion suggested severe action against Singh for his un-parliamentary conduct Thursday.

If passed, it would mean Singh would be suspended for 12 months, without enjoying any allowance and perks as an MP.

Gobind Singh Deo, a barrister and a first-termer had wanted Razak – who had just completed his speech on the mini-budget – to answer questions on his links with the death of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

The woman’s death two years ago has been a subject of an ongoing court trial and investigation.

The owner of a blog that accused Razak of being behind the murder of the businesswoman was also arrested and prosecuted.

Thursday’s suspension was Singh’s third from the house in his debut year as a parliamentarian.

Singh, along with lawyer-lawmaker father Karpal Singh, has been a leading member of the opposition Democratic Action Party (DAP) of which the father is the chairman.