Medwin Heart Foundation Launches ‘Prevent India 2009’, news desk,

Patna: The national-level program on preventive cardiology titled ‘Prevent India 2009’ (March 21-22) organized by Medwin Heart Foundation got off to a healthful start in Hyderabad on 21st March. This inaugural event promises to become the leading event in preventive cardiology in this part of the world. Medwin Heart Foundation also announced their plans to make this event an annual affair starting this year.

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2-days “Prevent India” program is aimed to assist policy makers and healthcare professionals in emerging countries to establish their priorities and short-term goals for Cardio Vascular Disease prevention and screening, to implement new policies and guidelines in these fields that will help minimize the impact of CAD in human society.

Over 250 widely acknowledged Cardiologists, physicians, family doctors, health policy administrators, nurses, physiotherapists, wellness officers in corporates, school health staff, dieticians, hotel chefs and many others active in preventive cardiology have assembled in the city of Hyderabad for the 2 day inaugural ‘Prevent India 2009’ program.

Speaking on the occasion the President of Medwin Heart Foundation, Dr. Ramesh Babu Byrapaneni, MD, DM and FACC said: “Our focus at Prevent India 2009 program is not only to highlight the importance of CAD prevention but also raise societal and governmental awareness about CAD which is turning into a major health concern in India that need greater amount of attention” he said.

“With Prevent India 2009 we intent to bring all the medical experts and practitioners and policy makers together, hopefully inspire them with a common purpose on how beat the threat of CAD and its alarming impact on human society. We are pleased to initiate this cooperation in an area where coordinated efforts are needed to decrease inequalities in CAD therapy throughout the developing nations” added Dr. Ramesh Babu Byrapaneni.

According to estimate from the Global Burden of Disease Study projected that the number of deaths attributable to chronic diseases would rise from 3.78 million in 1990 (40.4% of all deaths) to 7.63 million in 2020 (66.7% of all deaths). As per currently available statistics about 29.8 million people were estimated to have coronary heart disease in India in 2003; 14.1 million in urban areas and 15.7 million in rural areas

At Prevent India 2009 medical experts discussed preventive measures to tackle CAD and how to achieve them. It will feature sessions and lectures about progress in preventive cardiology with focus on major issues such as Diabetes the CAD equivalent and why do India have high risk of CAD. Apart from lectures on “Blood Pressure” how low should we go and how? Diabetes – The CAD equivalent, India- coming out of smoke?, Burning issues in Cardiac Rehab and Stress, Lipids – cant live with them, cant live without them, Super size Kids – the next Generation.

There is also a sense of concern that Health services have been slow to recognize the issues affecting youth in relation to CAD conditions. The lack of primary care services can delay diagnosis and inhibit people’s use of ongoing care and support services.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a Global Epidemic among South Asians. CAD strikes South Asians at a four-fold rate compared to the rest of the population. This holds true even for lifelong vegetarians who do not smoke and are not overweight. 10-12% of the South Asian population in urban areas globally and 4% in rural areas are afflicted with this disease.

According to studies on CAD in India, It is found India suffers the highest loss in potentially productive years of life (35–64 years) due to deaths from cardiovascular disease (9.2 million years lost in 2000). By 2030, this loss is expected to rise to 17.9 million years—940% greater than the corresponding loss in the USA, which has a population a third the size of India’s. By 2010, India will bear 60% of the worlds CAD burden. South Asians in the United States and in urban India suffer heart attacks at an earlier age, often without prior symptoms or warning. A study among Asian Indian men showed that half of all heart attacks in this population occur under the age of 50 yeas and 25% under the age of 40.

British Heart Foundation statistics show that the death rate from coronary heart disease is 46% higher in South Asian men and 51% higher in South Asian women than the UK population as a whole. South Asian women also have one of the highest mortality rates due to CAD.