Pakistani leaders want to work with new Indian government


Islamabad : Pakistani President and Prime Minister in their messages of felicitations to the leaders of Indian ruling Congress Party over their election victory vowed to work with the new Indian government and to resolve all disputes peacefully.

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India put a pause on dialogue process with Pakistan after the November Mumbai attacks, which killed around 170 people and injured another 300.

India had blamed Pakistan-based Kashmiri militant groups ‘Lashkar-e-Taiba’ and ‘Jamaat-ud-Daawa’ for organizing attacks in Pakistan.

“Pakistan remains committed to peace and prosperity in South Asia and will continue to work with India to resolve all outstanding issues between the two countries, peacefully and in a just manner,” President Asif Ali Zardari said in his message to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Chairperson, United Progressive Alliance and President, All India Congress Party Congress leader.

“Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the victory of the Congress Party in the recently held general elections,” the Pakistani President said.

“The outcome is a manifestation of the trust reposed by the people of India in your wise and inspiring leadership”.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani in his message to his Indian counterpart Dr Manmohan Singh said his government remains committed to working with the Indian government in addressing the common challenges that beset our region, and the world at large.

“I also take this opportunity to reiterate our commitment to resolve peacefully all outstanding issues between the two countries so as to usher in an era of peace, progress and prosperity for the peoples of the Subcontinent,” Mr Gilani said.

He said he is pleased to convey on behalf of the people of Pakistan and on his own behalf his heartfelt felicitations on Congress Party’s impressive election victory and Manmohamn Singh re-assumption of office as Prime Minster of the Republic of India.

“The election outcome is indeed a manifestation of the confidence reposed by the people of India in your sagacious leadership,” the Pakistani PM said.