US to host next G-20 summit in Pittsburgh Sep 24-25

By Arun Kumar, IANS,

Washington : The leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies including India will gather in Pittsburgh, an icon of America’s economic renewal, Sep 24-25 for the next G-20 summit.

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President Barack Obama will host leaders from 20 countries which represent 85 percent of the global economy to discuss ways of recovering from the global economic and financial crisis, the White House announced Thursday.

At the Pittsburgh summit, Obama and other leaders will “take stock of the progress made since the Washington and London summits, and discuss further actions to assure a sound and sustainable recovery from the global economic and financial crisis,” White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said.

The leaders including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh previously met in London in April and in Washington last November. The group decided during its London summit to meet in autumn in the US, considering world leaders would already be in neighbouring New York in September for the UN General Assembly meeting.

“It’s on the regular schedule of things,” Gibbs said.

The Obama administration selected Pittsburgh as host city to highlight the region’s economic transformation following the decline of the steel industry during the 1980s, he said.

“It’s an area that has seen its share of economic woes in the past, but because of foresight and investment is now renewed, giving birth to renewed industries that are creating the jobs of the future. And I think the president believes it’d be a good place to highlight some of that stuff,” Gibbs said.

The summit will be held at the David L. Lawrence Convention Centre in downtown Pittsburgh, an environmentally friendly facility that has received LEED Gold Certification from the US Green Building Council.