By news desk,
Patna: Fully supporting the conclusion of the Liberhan Commission report that the demolition of Babri Masjid was not an act of spontaneous anger as claimed by the communal forces; rather a well planned crime coordinated by RSS and its affiliates, , Secular Perspective group has demanded urgent action against the culprits indicted for the demolition.
In a statement, the group has strongly condemned the BJP to disturb the parliament sessions for hide their guilt instead facing the truth.

“BJP does not believe in proper discussion so every such time it resorts to the mayhem and the discussion is avoided. What becomes clear is that the whole top leadership of ‘BJP and company’ was involved.”
It urged the government to take immediate action against the culprits as the demolition was not just a destruction of age old mosque, and archeological treasure of the country, but this act was essentially an attack on Indian constitution as well as on the plural-democratic fabric of the nation.
“The incident paved the way for communal forces to come to the center stage of the politics, this led to massive communal violence in Mumbai, Bhopal, Surat and other places, leading to the loss of over two thousand innocent people and the loss of over 10000 crores of social wealth. It demonized the minority community and began the process of erosion of secular-democratic values. Tragically this led to relegation of minorities to the status of second class citizens. It gave political muscles to the divisive forces, forces which have no faith in the values of Indian Constitution” the statement reads.
It also appealed to the society to condemn the ideology of these anti-nation people along with strengthening the secular fabric.
It demanded the government to punish the guilty without any delay and distinction.
“We fervently appeal to the Government to take urgent steps to punish the guilty of the demolition and the consequences which followed. Government must act with full strength and forthrightness to take political and legal steps against the culprits to ensure that the law of the land prevails and guilty are punished without any fear. Be it RSS top brass, be it BJP top leadership, starting from Vajpayee Advani to Joshi and other, be it the VHP leaders or the Bajrang Dal leaders, law must catch up with these criminals.”