Obama highlights Muslims’ contribution at Iftar dinner

By Manik Mehta, NNN-Bernama,

Washington : At Tuesday’s iftar dinner — the meal to break fast during the month of Ramadan — hosted at the White House, President Barack Obama paid a glowing tribute to the contributions of American Muslims before a group of foreign ambassadors, high-ranking United States officials and congressmen.

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The congressmen included the first two Muslim representatives, Keith Ellison and Andre Carson.

The presence of the international media served as a platform for Obama to send a message to the Muslim world which was alienated, no thanks to the previous administration’s aggressive policy which appeared to link Islam with terrorism.

Describing the event as a “celebration of Ramadan”, the president praised the contributions of the American Muslim community which, he said, was “one of extraordinary dynamism and diversity” and of “countless races and ethnicities, and with roots in every corner of the world”.

The community’s contribution has been vast, ranging from business to science, from the arts to athletics, noted Obama.

He singled out former world heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali for praise, speaking of the latter’s evolution from an “unmatched fighter in the ring to a man of quiet dignity and grace who continues to fight for what he believes”.

In an obvious attempt to create a conducive atmosphere of religious harmony, Obama’s aides had also invited Americans belonging to other faiths, particularly Christians, Jews and Hindus.

Ramadan, the president reminded, was a time for people of all faiths to re-commit themselves to the work of building a better and more hopeful world.

“That is central to the new beginning that I have sought between the United States and Muslims around the world. And, that is a commitment that we can renew once again during this holy season, he added.

Obama also praised the ultimate sacrifice made by a Muslim soldier who gave his life in Iraq. Kareem Khan had joined the military, soon after he finished high school.

Kareem’s mother, Elsheba Khan, said:”He (Kareem) always wanted to help (in) any way that he could.”

Obama also highlighted the tolerance in the USA for other religions and their practices.