India tells Pakistan, still waiting for more action on 26/11


New Delhi : Ahead of meeting his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mehmood Qureshi in New York later this month, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna Thursday said India is awaiting more action against the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks, including Hafiz Saeed.

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Hafiz Saeed is the brain behind the Mumbai attacks, Krishna told IBN7 in an interview broadcast Thursday night.

“India is waiting for more action against the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks,” he said.

Krishna said Pakistan should act on the evidence and additional information provided by India against Hafiz Saeed, the founder of Jamaat-ud-Dawa and suspected mastermind of the 26/11 carnage, and bring all the other accused terrorists to justice.

India has provided six dossiers to Pakistan about the alleged complicity of Pakistani militants in the Nov 26, 2008, Mumbai attacks, but New Delhi feels nothing concrete has been done to bring the culprits to justice nearly ten months after the terror spree.

Alluding to the recent shelling and firing from the Pakistani side at the Wagah border, Krishna said India has taken up the matter with the Pakistani authorities.

Krishna’s remarks come as Pakistan Thursday sought unconditional talks to resolve outstanding issues and accused India of mounting propaganda on issues like the Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said in Lahore ahead of his departure for the US: “We want a dialogue (with India) but we are not willing to accept any conditions… We want talks in an open and friendly atmosphere. They (India) are mistaken if they think they can achieve anything by putting pressure on Pakistan.”

Krishna and Qureshi will meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York to review Pakistan’s action against the architects and perpetrators of the Mumbai mayhem that has stalled dialogue between the two neighbours for the past 10 months.

The talks between the foreign ministers will be preceded by a meeting between the foreign secretaries of the two countries.