New Delhi: The Supreme Court Monday denied bail to Price Waterhouse auditor Subramani Gopalkrishnan allegedly involved in a Rs.7,136-crore financial fraud along with Satyam Computer’s founder chairman B. Ramalinga Raju.
A bench of Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justice Deepak Verma, however, allowed Gopalkrishnan to move the court afresh for bail on the grounds of delay by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in completing its probe and filing a chargesheet in the case.
Following the court’s permission to file a fresh application, Gopalkrishnan’s counsel Siddharth Luthra withdrew the bail plea.
Senior counsel Luthra had earlier argued that his client was only a partner in the global accounting firm and was implicated by the CBI.
He contended that the CBI has no evidence of his involvement in the accounting fraud.
The apex court March 15 had denied bail to Satyam founder Raju, saying that he is the main accused in the case.
The court refused to grant him bail apprehending that once out, he might interfere with investigation and influence witnesses.
The apex court Feb 3 granted bail to another Price Waterhouse auditor Talluri Srinivas, who had been denied bail by the Andhra Pradesh High Court last December.