During their stay for the two-day SAARC summit, heads of eight South Asian nations will be staying in a village specially built for the 16th summit of the regional grouping.
The enclave, named SAARC Village, is furnished with heated floor panels and wooden beds. Air conditioners aren’t required here because the tiny country is perched at Himalayan heights amid salubrious mountain air.
The earth-coloured double-storied Bhutanese structures have been named after the SAARC member nations to make leaders feel at home. The houses have been placed in alphabetical order –Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Each house has a resident manager with five other staff members to take care of any services.
Additional facilities like postal services, banking and health facilities have also been made available within the houses. While each cottage has a well equipped kitchen, food for the leaders will be catered from outside.