By TCN News
Hyderabad: Public Relations Society of India has honoured Mr. Mohd. Fariyad with the award of ‘Best Public Relations Teacher’ for the year 2010. Mr. Fariyad, Assistant Professor of Mass Communication and Journalism Department of Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad has been awarded by the Public Relations Society of India, Hyderabad Chapter on the occasion of Public Relations Education day on 6th August 2010.

Prof. U Tataji, Dr. C V Narsimha Reddy, Prof. Joye C Gordon, Assoc. Professor of Kansas State University, USA, Chairman PRSI, Hyderabad, KRK Chari, Mr. Y Babji, Mr. D V Subbarao, Mr. Noorullah Hussaini and Mr. Mohd. Fariyad Asst. Professor MCJ, MANUU are seen. [MANUU photo]
He has been honoured by Prof. U. Tataji, Vice Chairman of A.P. State Council of Higher Education & Prof. Joye C. Gorden, A.Q. Miller School of Mass Communication and Journalism, Kensas State University, Manhattan, USA. Prof. Gorden delivered a lecture about the current trends in the public relations programmes in the context of USA. Prof. P.L Visheshwar Rao, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Osmania university was also present. He
emphasized on the relevance of education and also pointed out Indian workforce is being
utilized in a majority of multinational companies across the globe. If Indian society was educated, the country would have been flourished.
Function was presided over by National President Emiratus Public Relation Society Of
India & former Director, Department of Information & Public Relations, Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. C.V. Narsimha Reddy. On this occasion Chapter President KRK Chary, Subba Rao, Babji, PB Raghvendra, Nurullah Hussainee and many other University Teachers and Public Relations Professionals were also attended the meeting.