Ranchi : Jharkhand Deputy Chief Minister Raghubar Das Friday presented second supplementary budget of Rs.1,875.18 crore in the assembly for the current financial year.
The supplementary budget includes Rs.1,212.18 for non-plan and Rs.663.03 for planned expenditure.
The non-plan budget includes Rs.100 crore for the power sector, Rs.264 crore for return of debt, Rs.20 crore for improving infrastructure of the Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS in Ranchi.
The planned expenditure includes Rs.320.67 crore for six pending railway projects.
“The second supplementary budget has been presented to improve the power, health, education, infrastructure and other sectors.
“Jharkhand needs to expedite the pending railway projects and the state has to share two-thirds cost of the projects,” said Das, who also holds the finance portfolio.
Das will present the full budget of 2010-11 in March.