Mumbai : India’s markets barometer, the 30-share sensitive index (Sensex) of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), shot up over 300 points Friday as the Finance minister announced huge public investments along with a reduction in surcharge for corporates in his budget speech.
At 12.36 p.m., the Sensex which opened at 16,255.33 points was ruling at 16,555.87 points, 301.67 points or 1.85 percent higher than its previous close at 16,254.2 points.
At the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the broader 50-share S&P CNX Nifty was ruling at 4,947.55 points, against the previous close at 4,859.75 points, a gain of 1.81 percent or 87.8 points.
Broader markets too saw a buying spree with the BSE midcap index ruling 1.46 percent higher and the BSE small cap index up 1.13 percent.