Agra : Over 25 street dogs were found poisoned in Agra’s Idgah and Mohanpura areas in the past two days, police sources said Tuesday.
At first the general impression was that the dogs died because of the cold or some disease.
But when more dogs died and some biscuits were found near them, it became clear that midnight burglars had poisoned them as the watch dogs were not letting them do their work unhindered, police said.
Rakabganj police station inspector who visited the localities said only a proper post- mortem examination of the dogs could establish the cause of their unnatural death. But so many dying within a day or two does raise uncomfortable questions, residents of the localities said.
“Till two nights ago there used to be uninterrupted barking by the dogs and suddenly all is quiet,” recalled Rakesh Kumar of Mohanpura. Sunday night ten dogs were found dead. Monday morning another 17 dogs were found dead.
“It is clearly the work of anti-social elements and there have been a spate of robberies in and around these areas,” Gyasi, another resident, said.