New Delhi: The organising committee of the Commonwealth Games Friday night dismissed reports of financial irregularities made by a TV news channel, and said they have followed due diligence in making all payments during the launch of the Queen’s Baton Relay in London last year.
The Times Now channel reported that the British government has launched an investigation into alleged dubious money transfers to a UK company after a letter written by the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee to the Revenue and Customs Department of United Kingdom came into focus.
The channel claimed thousands of pounds had been transferred to a small time company in the UK contracted to the organising committee with proper contract and permission.
The organising committee of the Commonwealth Games refuted the allegations saying that they have not received any official communication in this regard.
In a statement, organising committee secretary general Lalit Bhanot said: “We have followed due diligence in making all payments, getting the clearances from the executive board and from Reserve Bank of India for incurring the expenditure in foreign currency.”
Bhanot said that all remittances happened against this clearance.
“In response to an e-mail from the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010, the High Commission of India in London recommended AM Car & Van Ltd. as one of the official vendors for cars. The payments were made as per the High Commission rates,” said Bhanot.
Indian High Commission had written to the sports ministry over the allegations of transfer of money to one AM Films UK Ltd from the organising committee during the launch of the Queen’s Baton Relay in London in October last year.
Bhanot said that payments worth 238,093.56 pounds were made to AM Car & Van Hire Ltd and 146,868.80 pounds was made to AM Films UK Ltd. on Oct 24 for hiring mobile video screens.
“This was made after Metropolitan Police insisted that we provide the mobile video screens at the venue of the function. The accounts were settled before the Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi left London. The allegation that Organising Committee Commonwealth Games 2010 Delhi makes payments of 25,000 pounds every month to AM Films UK Ltd is baseless and incorrect,” Bhanot said.
Bhanot went on to add the organising committee has sought a VAT refund of 61,419.78 pounds from the British government. “This shows that we have nothing to hide,” he said.