Chandigarh: In the wake of the upcoming third edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL), softdrink brand Mountain Dew Wednesday announced a campaign offering an opportunity to its consumers to play a friendly match against Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) team.
Titled ‘Daar ki Wicket Girayega to Hamare Saath Khelega’, the campaign offers a series of prizes besides giving a chance to lucky 11 winners to play a five-over-a-side match against KXIP team.
This special team will be christened ‘Moutain Dew team’ and they will play against KXIP at Dharamsala cricket stadium in Himachal Pradesh.
Alpana Titus, executive director (flavours), PepsiCo India, said: “Mountain Dew will start this campaign at various places like colleges, multiplexes and marketplaces, engaging consumers in the cricket-led initiative. Participants have to play a game of cricket on decked-up floats visiting these places.”
The matches on the floats will test the consumers’ all-round skills like batting, bowling and fielding. The skills will be tested through innovative games such as ‘crazy catches’ and ‘speed ball’.
KXIP is one of the eight teams participating in the IPL and it features star cricket players like Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan Singh and Kumar Sangakkara.
“We are absolutely looking forward to playing with our fans. We are very excited and this initiative will certainly add a lot of fun in the game,” said Anil Srivatsa, chief executive officer of KXIP.