Delhiites to switch off lights during Earth Hour Saturday


New Delhi : As the clock strikes 8.30 p.m. Saturday, many parts of the capital are expected to be plunged into darkness as Delhiites will turn off lights for an hour to observe Earth Hour.

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The Earth Hour is a global initiative by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) that aims to send out the message that people are concerned about climate change and that policy makers should make it their foremost priority.

India along with 92 other countries will observe “lights out” between 8.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. Saturday. All government buildings, private banks and ITC hotels will turn off lights for an hour.

Many in the city are planning to have candlelight get-togethers to show their commitment to save power — and have fun at the same time.

“I will hold a candlelight terrace party and have invited my friends,” said Ruchi Saxena, a student of Delhi College of Arts and Commerce.

Sameer Singh, an IT professional, said: “I am sending SMSes, e-mails and spreading word on social networking sites for people to join the campaign. I think by this simple exercise we do our bit to save mother earth.”

Sahiba Sharma, a law student, plans to switch off lights and is trying to convince her friends to do the same.

Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has appealed to all residents to join the initiative.

“Delhi was the lead city for Earth Hour 2009 when India joined this global campaign. Several historical buildings, office complexes, Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), shopping centers and hotels switched off in support, resulting in close to 750 MW power saving in Delhi alone,” Dikshit said.

“I hope that Delhi along with other cities across the country will take Earth Hour to newer heights by generating larger savings and sending a strong message to stress the need to shift to a sustainable and low carbon development path,” she added.

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, the brand ambassador of this initiative, also enthused Delhi to ‘act responsibly’.

“As responsible citizens of this planet, it is extremely crucial for us to address the colossal problem of climate change through ensuring responsible action and adopting a sustainable way of life… It is time we take a collective pledge to ‘switch on’ our minds and take one simple step to switch off the lights from 8.30 to 9.30 p.m.,” Bachchan said.

WWF India’s Chief Executive Officer Ravi Singh said that millions in 4,088 cities, towns and municipalities across 88 countries participated in Earth Hour 2009.

The Earth Hour event takes place a week after the vernal equinox when night and day are of the same duration in both hemispheres.