Torrent to take over power distribution in Agra


Agra : Power in this Taj city, which suffers erratic and inadequate power supply, will now be supplied by private player Torrent Power Limited.

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The company will take over power distribution within the city limits from the state-owned Dakshinanchal Vidhyut Nigam Limited (DVNL) at midnight Wednesday.

Torrent Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Deepak Thakkar told IANS: “All is set and we are in full gear to take over from zero hour tonight. Arrangements are in place and we are confident of giving our best services to the consumers in the Taj city.”

The company has hired more than 600 people to man the sub-stations and administrative offices. Those working for the DVNL will be moved to rural areas or transferred elsewhere. This has caused a lot of resentment and anger among the employees.

The Supreme Court, in its landmark judgement in December 1993 to save the Taj Mahal from air pollution caused by diesel generators, ordered “uninterrupted power supply for the Taj Trapezium Zone,” which was declared an eco-sensitive area extending over 10,000 sq km.

Surendra Sharma, president of the Braj Mandal Heritage Conservation Society, said: “Agra, though a star tourist destination, has not been accorded its pride of place. The Taj Mahal itself remains engulfed in darkness and the security gadgets go without power for long hours.”

Rakesh Chouhan, president of the Agra Hotels and Restaurants Association, said: “The power supply has not improved over the years. In fact, when lights go off, thousands of diesel generators start belching smoke and noxious gases, increasing the pollution load.”

The chief problem is the gap in the demand and supply position.

A DVNL official said: “There is a shortfall in the power generation and all users are not even paying for electricity in Agra. Line losses are pretty high.”