Mumbai : Shiv Sena chief Balasaheb Thackeray Saturday said Marathi-speaking areas of Belgaum in Karnataka should be merged with Maharashtra to “complete” the state.
“Maharashtra will not be a complete state unless Marathi speaking regions of Belgaum district of Karnataka are included in the state,” he said during a brief address to the public that had gathered to celebrate Maharashtra Day at the Bandra-Kurla Complex in suburban Bandra.
Thackeray also asserted that Marathi should be promoted as a language of communication.
“Although we call Hindi the national language, I feel it is only an official language of communication. Marathi should not be ignored and should be given equal importance,” he said.
Thackeray mentioned how the Sena had always fought for the cause of the Marathi “manoos” (common man) and that their interests will always be on the top of the party’s priority list.
Thackeray felicitated veteran singer Lata Mangeshkar, who sang patriotic songs at the event.
Thackeray also released his son Uddhav’s book, a compilation of aerial photographs of Maharashtra.
It is after nearly two years that Thackeray had made public appearances and addresses on two consecutive days.
Thackeray also paid tributes to 105 martyrs of the Samyukta Maharashtra movement for the formation of a separate Marathi speaking state. This goal was achieved when the Bombay Presidency was split into Maharashtra and the Gujarati-speaking state of Gujarat May 1, 1960.
At least 105 people died when they were fired upon by the police while holding a peaceful demonstration.