New Delhi : The Supreme Court Monday cancelled the bail of former Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MP Pappu Yadav, who has been sentenced to life for the murder of Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) legislator Ajit Sarkar.
Pappu Yadav, whose original name is Rajesh Ranjan, a former Lok Sabha member from Madhepura in Bihar, was granted bail by the Patna High Court in February 2009.
Special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) judge B.M. Srivastava had Feb 14, 2008, pronounced Pappu Yadav, former independent legislator Rajan Tiwari and another accused Anil Yadav guilty and awarded them life term.
Sarkar, a firebrand CPI-M legislator, who had a running feud with Pappu Yadav, was gunned down in Purnia town June 14, 1998. The trial started in 2002.